Author: Jesse Belden

Rap Collaboration Networks

Glyph LLC is a serious business.  Definitely not one that would file the aliases of Wu-Tang members on their government-reviewed operating agreement.  I suppose it is that unwavering professional ethos that causes one to dive into...

Mat Fraser lifts like a girl

Some very athletic women and men are set to compete at the 2019 CrossFit games in a multi-day, multi-event, international fitness competition. The most fittest of all will lay claim to the enviable title of Fittest on Earth…

Weightlifting GOATs

The super heavyweight class of weightlifters “…is comprised of the ones that seem to develop a psychological dependence on ingesting great amounts of food. They usually comment that they do not feel strong unless...

How mass moves mass in weightlifting

Mass moves mass. If you’ve ever spent time in a powerlifting or CrossFit gym you likely have heard this “hot take” about the reason why the big boys and girls are moving big weight. But you’ve probably also…